Thermostat fell off?

I’m not sure how this happened, but did the thermostat somehow fall off? With the colder weather lately, my car has been running cold on the highway and barely reaches optimal temperature even after idling for 20 minutes. On top of that, there’s no cabin heat at all.

I decided to have my mechanic friend take a look and replace the thermostat today, and what I saw left me surprised, to say the least. How could something like this happen? I’d really appreciate any advice on how to prevent it from happening again.

When did you get this car? It’s more likely that someone took off the thermostat before

Blaine said:
When did you get this car? It’s more likely that someone took off the thermostat before

Yeah, there’s no way it just fell off. I heard there were issues with the thermostat getting stuck open, maybe they removed it instead of replacing it?

It was probably broken and stuck closed. An open thermostat would cause the same issue you’re facing now with no heat and the car taking forever to warm up. I had the same problem with my old Mustang and it seems to happen even in newer cars. My current car has an open thermostat I haven’t replaced yet :cry:

But yeah, you’re probably good now. Just don’t remove it to avoid this issue again lol

Would a thermostat stuck closed cause the car to show -20F in 90-degree weather? I’ve dealt with this for a while and need to fix it before next summer in Dallas. It also doesn’t let cold air blow when it reads that low

Is getting the thermostat stuck a common issue for Fusions? I knew it was a problem for F150s but didn’t realize it affected other Ford models too

Nico said:
Is getting the thermostat stuck a common issue for Fusions? I knew it was a problem for F150s but didn’t realize it affected other Ford models too

From what I’ve seen, yes. When I got my 2012 2.5L Fusion, it was stuck open, and after researching it seemed pretty common. Luckily, it was accessible enough that I replaced it myself in about an hour

Blaine said:
When did you get this car? It’s more likely that someone took off the thermostat before

I’ve had it for a while. But you’re right, I suspect who must have removed it. I had my radiator changed in late summer 2024, so it must have happened then. Thanks for your help