Got a P1450 Code … What Should I Do?

I have a 2015 Ford Fusion 1.5L and I’m getting a P1450 code, which means there’s an issue with the fuel tank vacuum system. I recently replaced my oxygen sensor, but when I fill up the tank, it won’t start for 5 to 10 minutes and takes multiple cranks. I’m not sure where to start with testing or replacing parts. Can anyone help?

It’s probably the purge valve. I had the same issue with my 2013 Fusion. I got one for $35 from Rockauto.

Sounds like the evap purge valve.

You might have sediment in your fuel tank, or the pump could be failing. You might also just need a new fuel filter.

I hope your experience is better than mine. It was the purge valve for me. When it acted up, it sounded like a sonar pinging from the back of my car. I stalled out but managed to get home after letting it sit. I had the part changed out affordably, but then just two weeks later it happened again. Took it to a Ford dealer and found out I had the coolant intrusion issue. I ended up trading it in for a new vehicle, now with a high car payment.

In the past, if a car was flooded, you’d floor the gas pedal to start it. Now, we have throttle bodies. Pressing the gas pedal to the floor while starting sends a signal to the PCM saying the throttle plate is wide open, which can put the engine into flood mode, cutting power to the injectors. After filling up, try flooring the pedal and see if it starts!
Also, get your car scanned at a garage! If the purge valve is stuck open, gas could settle in your catalytic converter, making it extremely hot. Keep the pump nozzle all the way in and stop adding more gas to the vehicle. It could be dangerous!

You might have a bad blocking valve before the vent valve near the tank. The P1450 code usually means there’s a stuck open purge valve under the hood. You don’t need to replace the O2 sensor; it’s just reading too lean because of the stuck purge valve. The purge valve is under the hood on top of the bell housing.

Thanks so much for the info!

Definitely get the purge valve from Ford. You want to avoid running into the same issue again.