Anyone know any turbo kits for 2018 Ford Fusion SE Hybrid

I’m looking to turbo charge my 2018 Ford Fusion SE Hybrid EcoBoost but need some help finding a turbo.

It’s a hybrid. No turbos available for it. It’s not an EcoBoost and your referring to it as such shows you know nothing about the vehicle.

Waiting for a numbskull to chime in, “YoU ShOuLd CoYoTe SwAp it.”

:joy::joy::joy: as much as I see posts about adding a turbo to the 2.5, I have never seen one wanting to do it to a damn hybrid. It’s hybrid for a reason and I would think the person who buys a hybrid would know it is not for performance at all.

Hybrid is performance: fuel economy performance.

However those asking how to turbo are likely driving in a way that negates that efficiency.

Performance hybrids… like the Porsche 918 Spyder?

You don’t want 99mpg with 400hp? :rofl:

Might as well just buy one of these atp street legal F1 car that utilizes Ford Focus ST 2.5L i4.

Why would you get a hybrid and then want to turbo it?

Theoretically it is possible, but it would require extensive modification and customization to get working. If you really want a turbo hybrid car like this, it’s probably much more straightforward to just buy a Toyota Crown — the body style is very similar to the Fusion, but is available in a turbo hybrid from the factory.

People don’t modify hybrids for good reason. You’d destroy the hybrid drive train before getting any actual performance out of it. If you want power then trade it for a different car. Modern performance hybrid drive trains are designed very differently from your car, and there’s no way to turn yours into anything like it without custom fabrication to install the complete drive train from a different car.