Since Saturday night my phone just stopped connecting to CarPlay. I drive a 2018 fusion and can’t use the wireless option.
I’ve tried everything. I did a master reset in the car, reset my phone, attempted to download a software update for my car (but it keeps saying I disconnected the USB, which I didn’t), removed my phone from CarPlay and my car from CarPlay, even disconnected the battery. I’m really losing hope now.
I see the message pop up, but CarPlay doesn’t actually open. Has anyone experienced this? I have three different cords, so I’m pretty sure that’s not the issue. The USB is getting power since my phone charges and tries to connect.
I have a Ford appointment next week, so I guess I’ll find out what’s wrong then. But I’m really worried about how much this will cost me. Any help would mean a lot
I’ve run into this problem with beta versions on iOS in the past. One time it didn’t work in the morning but worked by evening. I recommend trying a different USB cord and maybe a different port. (I drive a 2020 fusion, so it might not be exactly the same) But trying a new cord should be your first step, make sure it’s a data cord.
I’ve already tried three new cords, but I’m using iOS 18.2. I turned off the Apple intelligence Beta too. I seriously just want to bang my head against the wall. This car is a 2018 with 50k miles and no other issues, but this annoying problem is making me consider getting rid of it
Morgan said:
You need a USB cord that works with the car. I had the same issue and it took a few different cords before one actually worked.
Which one actually worked for you?
The one that came with my phone. It was frustrating because my first cord kept turning on and off, and the other two did nothing until I went home and used my original USB cord, which worked!
Sadly, Apple doesn’t make a USB A to USB C cord (at least not one I can find). I just searched on Amazon and ordered one that had good reviews for working with CarPlay and Android Auto after people had issues, so I’ll let everyone know how that goes once it arrives
I have a 2018 fusion too and this just started happening with my Galaxy phone. I did everything you mentioned without any luck. Then I tried a third cord, and voilà it worked. Since then I’ve had no issues.
Ali said:
One thing you might need is an update to Sync 3.4.
You can do it from here:
Unfortunately, the USBs we tried wouldn’t read. We tried two different ones and it kept saying we removed the USB even though we didn’t. I’m not sure what the issue is; it might be an internal problem along with the USB port.
I have a 2017 model, and it’s always had issues. I bought a Bluetooth CarPlay dongle and it’s worked wonders for me. Not having to plug in every time saves me so much time.